Second International Workshop on Semantics and the Web for Transport

Co-located with the ICWE Conference 2020

Helsinki, Finland - 9 June 2020

See Call for Papers

Sem4Tra Call for Papers

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) integrates different transport services into a single mobility service. The goal is to provide a traveler with all the services needed for a door-to-door travel under a single payment whilst integrating disparate modes of mobility (public transport, car- or bike-sharing, taxi/car rental, or a combination thereof) under one travel experience. After years of conceptualization and strategizing, MaaS is becoming a reality rather than a future goal. However, many challenges remain unanswered. The development of multimodal travel information, planning and booking services, and the interoperability between business applications are currently limited due to the fragmentation and incompatibility of interchange formats and protocols both within and across transport sectors. The foundation of semantic web and the technologies such as RDF and Linked Data, foster utilization and application of the semantics of terms in a decentralized fashion on web-scale. Given the decentralized nature of MaaS, this workshop targets researchers and practitioners who are contributing to the transformation of the transportation sector by proposing new semantic and Web API based solutions to achieve the MaaS objectives. The workshop is an opportunity for disseminating and discussing use cases and studies showing the application of semantic and web technologies in the Transport domain to tackle the above-mentioned challenges.


  • Modeling and knowledge representation in the Transport domain
  • Vocabularies and ontologies for the Transport domain
  • Semantic-based conversion of transportation data formats (e.g., GTFS, NeTEx/Transmodel)
  • Web APIs sharing Linked Open Transport data on web-scale
  • Transport payment solutions with Web standards
  • Semantic interoperability solutions for MaaS
  • Applications exploiting semantics in transport
  • User-based contributions to transport data, possibly enhanced by semantics
  • Semantic integration of transport data with other open city data

Authors Guideline


Authors can choose the best way to express their work, such as HTML or PDF. However, a LNCS-like layout should be provided.


  • Full research papers (8-12 pages)
  • Short research papers (4-6 pages)
  • Position papers (4-6 pages)
  • System/demo papers (4-6 pages)
  • 5 minutes lightning talk for project or idea(1 page max)

Review and Publication

Please, share your contribution before the deadline through the EasyChair platform. The accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the main conference with Springer. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors at the workshop.

Important dates

10 May, 2020

Submission papers

Submit your paper

15 May, 2020


The notification and reviews from our Program Committee will be available.

20 May, 2020

Submission camera ready

Time to have your paper ready for being published. All the accepted paper will be published in the proceedings.

9 June, 2020


Keynote, papers presentations, demo jam and a lot of discussion. Remember! If your contribution is accepted, it needs to be presented by one of the authors at the event.


David Chaves Fraga

PhD Student, OEG - UPM

Marco Comerio

Senior Researcher, CEFRIEL

Mario Scrocca

Assistant Researcher, CEFRIEL

Mersedeh Sadeghi

Senior Researcher, POLIMI

Pieter Colpaert

Senior Researcher, imec - IDLab UGent

Program Committee

  • Alessio Carenini, CEFRIEL
  • Edna Ruckhaus, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Irene Celino, CEFRIEL
  • Julián Rojas, imec - IDLab UGent
  • Letizia Tanca, Politecnico di Milano
  • Marlene Gonçalves, Universidad Simón Bolivar
  • Matteo Giovanni Rossi, Politecnico di Milano
  • Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Riccardo Santoro, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
  • Ruben Taelman, imec - IDLab UGent